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Unfortunately, for years and years we have noticed a





Tricks used by contractors

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Tricks used by contractors

Unfortunately, for years and years we have noticed a certain practice in the market. The clients who decided to insulate their homes with TornadoFoam® let us know that some contractors would resort to many tricks in order to persuade them to use another foam product instead. For instance, they would claim they had no skills necessary to apply our foam (while TornadoFoam® is actually one of the easiest foams to apply), that the machine was not compatible with TornadoFoam® (while in reality TornadoFoam® can be applied even with low-capacity machines), that they would offer better or cheaper foams instead… and other such nonsensical arguments would go on and on.
Therefore, if you have decided to apply TornadoFoam® and then your contractor puts forward such arguments, we strongly suggest that you change your contractor immediately. There are many reliable companies all around Europe that will be more than happy to insulate your home with TornadoFoam®.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Tricks used by contractors

Quedex.com, REFERENCES, polyurethane, REFERENCES, REFERENCES, for, xxx, Milling, polyurea, Scanning, cases, REFERENCES, notice, and, Foam, lathe, solution, System, solution, It, gaseous, a, warning, machines, Highly, Control, Materials, Exhaust, spraying, Solutions

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Unfortunately, for years and years we have noticed a

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Unfortunately, for years and years we have noticed a certain practice in the market. The clients who decided to insulate their homes with TornadoFoam® let us know that some contractors would resort to many tricks in order to persuade them to use another foam product instead. For instance, they would claim they had no skills necessary to apply our foam (while TornadoFoam® is actually one of the easiest foams to apply), that the machine was not compatible with TornadoFoam® (while in reality TornadoFoam® can be applied even with low-capacity machines), that they would offer better or cheaper foams instead… and other such nonsensical arguments would go on and on.
Therefore, if you have decided to apply TornadoFoam® and then your contractor puts forward such arguments, we strongly suggest that you change your contractor immediately. There are many reliable companies all around Europe that will be more than happy to insulate your home with TornadoFoam®.
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